Pre-Listing Inspection

If you are thinking of putting your home on the market, you should consider having a pre-listing inspection completed first. Pre-listing inspections are performed just like a general home inspection. There are many advantages you gain from having a pre-listing inspection completed.  Put more CONTROL in your hands.  Typically a buyers inspector will come in and find numerous defects in your home that you then need to get repaired in a relatively short time period.  This can cause a lot of stress due to the short time frame you have to complete repairs and often results in overpaying.  By completing a pre-listing inspection you can take all the time you need to decide which repairs will increase the VALUE the most so you get the highest return on investment.  Make these repairs on YOUR TIME and get multiple repair estimates saving you money in the long run.

Who doesn’t want a SMOOTH AND SHORT CLOSING?  When a home inspector finds defects we usually recommend a qualified licensed professional evaluate the issue and make the necessary repairs.  This can cause delays getting to the closing table.  By tackling needed repairs that were found during the pre-listing inspection you reduce the amount of repair requests, typically shortening the time it takes to get to the closing table.

Significantly increase the likelihood of a successful sale.  Too often deals fall through after a potential buyers inspector finds a major issue that could have been dealt with earlier.  Provide the pre-listing inspection report as a resource and a token of good faith to potential buyers. The buyer can get a full glimpse of the condition of the home and see all the repairs you’ve made to warrant the listing price.  This typically results in a reduced negotiations.  You may also save yourself more time by foregoing the need for a buyer inspection.

Don’t waste your time, energy and money and risking having a failed sale!

Check out a Sample Report of a recent inspection that was completed.

The Benefits are Endless

  • Improve the Sucess of  the sale
  • Helps seller control negotiation
  • Manage pre-existing problems
  • Smoother close
  • Shorten escrow

Please call if you have any questions or feel free to click below to get an inspection quote or to schedule.
